Setup your Gmail Account in less than 2 Minutes

Setting up a Gmail account is very easy. Gmail is already known as the internet’s most user-friendly email service provider. So it is obvious that it is going to be very simple to use. To set up a Gmail account on your computer or on a smartphone requires very little time. The only time that it will take is your typing speed. Setup your Gmail Account

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Steps to setup a Gmail Account very Quickly

Follow our step-by-step instructions and you should be able to create a Gmail account in less than 2 minutes. Follow the steps below. Setup your Gmail Account.

Step 1

Pre-make a username and password. A Google account will require a username and a password. If you want to make an account in the quickest time possible, then you need to prepare a username and password.

For the username pick any username you like. Make your own one. Don’t make it too long. Keep it between 8 to 10 characters. Add numbers in your username, to make it more secure. Even though you are making your own username, it is possible that someone may already be using it. You can easily check it on the Google account opening page. They will immediately tell you if it is being used or not. To save time in this case, make little adjustments.

The same goes for the password. Keep it between 8 to 10 characters. You can add numbers and symbols to make your password more secure. The more difficult the password is, the stronger it will be. You will easily be able to check your password strength on the account opening page.

Setup your Gmail Account Step 2

Go to your Gmail app for the Gmail website. On the account opening page, quickly fill in all information. Information such as your first name, last name, birth date, gender, mobile number, and location must be filled in. The amount of time spent here will depend on your typing speed. You could take the help of Google Accounts Providers if you want to.

Setup your Gmail Account Step 3

Once you have the information filled up, now it’s time to write the username and the password.  If the username is ok and the password is strong enough, then you are good to go.

Step 4

Tick the terms and agreement section. Give a backup email address if you have any. 

If all of this is done, then it’s time to confirm your account. Click the confirm button.

Step 5

After you press the confirm button you will now have to verify your mobile number. Google will send you a code. Once you receive that code uses it to verify your mobile number. After that, you are done.

Final words

If you followed our steps, then it should take less than 2 minutes. We hope you liked our article. Thank you for reading.

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